U2 najavili novo ploščo in turnejo

U2 december 2017 začenjajo z novo ploščo in turnejo

Irska rock skupina U2 je na svoji spletni strani objavila, da bodo 1. decembra izdala svoj štirinajsti studijski album z naslovom ´Songs Of Experience´. Izšla bo v digitalni obliki, v obliki zgoščenke in v obliki vinilke.

Plošča je bila posneta v New Yorku, Dublinu in Los Angeles. U2 so v svoji najavi napisali, da je plošča ´Songs Of Experience´ na nek način v spremstvu leta 2015 izdane plošče ´Songs Of Innocence´. Inspiracija obeh plošč naj bi bila namreč zbirka pesmi z naslovom ´Songs of Innocence and Experience´ Angleškega poeta Williama Blakea. Kot producenti pa so se podpisali Jacknife Lee, Ryan Tedder, Steve Lillywhite, Andy Barlow in Jolyon Thomas.

Izšla bo v standardni in deluxe izvedbi.

Seznam skladb na plošči

1. Love Is All We Have Left
2. Lights of Home
3. You’re The Best Thing About Me
4. Get Out of Your Own Way
5. American Soul
6. Summer of Love
7. Red Flag Day
8. The Showman (Little More Better)
9. The Little Things That Give You Away
10. Landlady
11. The Blackout
12. Love Is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way
13. 13 (There is a Light)

1. Love Is All We Have Left
2. Lights of Home
3. You’re The Best Thing About Me
4. Get Out of Your Own Way
5. American Soul
6. Summer of Love
7. Red Flag Day
8. The Showman (Little More Better)
9. The Little Things That Give You Away
10. Landlady
11. The Blackout
12. Love Is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way
13. 13 (There is a Light)
14. Ordinary Love (Extraordinary Mix)
15. Book Of Your Heart
16. Lights of Home (St Peter’s String Version)
17. You’re The Best Thing About Me (U2 vs Kygo)

1. Love Is All We Have Left
2. Lights of Home
3. You’re The Best Thing About Me
4. Get Out of Your Own Way
5. American Soul
6. Summer of Love
7. Red Flag Day
8. The Showman (Little More Better)
9. The Little Things That Give You Away
10. Landlady
11. The Blackout
12. Love Is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way
13. 13 (There is a Light)
14. Ordinary Love (Extraordinary Mix)
15. Book Of Your Heart
16. Lights of Home (St Peter’s String Version)

Izgled ploščeHkrati z novo ploščo pa se U2 odpravljajo na turnejo po severni Ameriki z naslovom ´eXPERIENCE + iNNOCENCE Tour´.

Vir informacije in fotografij: Spletna stran izvajalca
